domingo, 11 de noviembre de 2012

My Leisure Time

In my leisure time, I play tennis.I´m a big fan of play it. I play six hours in a week and I play in a championship. I love playing because I relax. I´m mad about playing computer games too. I play when I can. My favourites games are Mw3, Fifa13 and Assassin´s Creed 3, Brotherhood and Revelation. Also I love listening music. The syle of music I like is house and electronica. My  favourite Dj is David Guetta. He´s the best in the world! I like go out with my friends in the weekend.

jueves, 8 de noviembre de 2012


Last Sunday, Fernando Alonso leave the second in a exciting race. Kimi Raikhonen won the race and Sebastian Vettel leave the third. Vettel is the first in the classification ahead of Alonso. Vettel has 255 and Alonso has 245 when there are only two races.

miércoles, 7 de noviembre de 2012

Assassin´s Creed 3

Assassin´s Creed 3 is a game created by Ubisoft. It consists in you are an assassin who defends the truth. The game is inspired in the American Revolution specifically in 1777. The protagonist is called Connor  Ratohnhakéton Kenway and is British descent and Mohawk. In the game appears George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, Charles Lee, Israel Putnam, Paul Revere, el General Lafayette, John Pitcairn, William Prescott, el Rey Jorge III, Samuel Adams and Friedrich Wilhelm von Steuben and appears New York and Boston. The weapons are the Hidden Leaf , Tomahawk, Bow and arrow, dual pistols and Rope dart. The characteristic is the Hidden Leaf and the Tomahawk.  It was put up for sale the 31 of October.I love the game.
Here I leave the link of the trailer:

 And an another videos:

domingo, 4 de noviembre de 2012

Messi receives the golden foot

The Argentinan receives his second golden foot at the hands of Luis Suarez. He scored fifty goals the last season.He wants to finish his career at the football club Barcelona. Also Marca gave him a mini golden foot and a golden dummy for his baby.

World Record

The Austrian parachutist Felix Baumgartner brokes the world record of freefall. He jump from 39.04 km.He was going at the speed of the sound. He came out in Mexico.

Here I leave the link: