martes, 28 de mayo de 2013

Xbox one

Xbox one is the console of Microsoft. It was presentated the twenty-two of may.  You can turn it on with the voice and you can watch the TV, play games or do what you want. The bad thing is the price. It's going to cost 599$ ( It isn't official the price). I think that this console is going to be best of the new generation of console
Here I link the video of the presentation.

A writing

Dear Marco
Thanks for your letter. It was great to hear from you. You asked me to tell you about my experience of learning English. Well, at the moment I'm writng and learning vocabulary. I have lessons once a week. I enjoy English because I learn a language.
Next year, I'm going to do a course in London because I must practise English for the PET.
How are your family?
See you soon.

domingo, 26 de mayo de 2013

A letter

Hi Carl
I'm going to move to a new house. It's next to the shopping centre and near the sport centre.  It has got four bedrooms, two bathrooms, a living room and a kitchen. It's bigger than the old one.  I'm going to move  next week. Would you like to visit me next month?

Bayern München est le nouveau champion de la Uefa Champions League

Hier, le Bayern München a été proclamé champion de la Uefa Champions League. Le Bayern München gagne le Borussia Dormund 2-1.Le match de football se célébrait dans Wembley où aussi il y a deux ans la finale se célébrait. Le match était passionnante.

A writing

Dear Marco
Thanks for your letter. It was great to hear from you. You asked me to tell tou about my expirence of learning English. Well, at the moment I'm writing and learning vocabulary. I have lessons once a week. I enjoy English because I learn a language.
Next year, I'm going to do a course in London because I must practice English for the PET.
How are your family? Hope to hear.
From you soon.

A dangerous situation

Last month, I went walking in the countryside with Joss and Tim. We stayed in a village and in the morning, we left it. After that, we entered the forest. When we stopped walking, we didn't know where we were. We started to scream. Nobody listened to us. Suddenley, Joss remembered that he had his mobile phone. He called the rescue service and they rescued us. It was a dangerous situation.

sábado, 25 de mayo de 2013

Adverbes de fréquence

Aujourd'hui, je vais parles des adverbes.
                 En espagnol                                       En français
         Cada dia/semana/mes------------------------------Chaque jour/semaine/mois
         Dos veces por dia/semana-------------------------Deux fois par jour/semaine
         (Muy) A menudo--------------------------------------(Très) Souvent
         (Casi) Nunca--------------------------------------------(Presque) Jamais
         A veces---------------------------------------------------Quelquefois

Out and about

Dear Tim
I hope you are well. I'm sorry I haven't written for a long time, but I've been really busy. But now, It's the first week of the holiday. Last weekend, I went to play tennis with Jack. I won him.It was a great day.
Next weekend, I'm going to go out with my friends. On Monday, I'm going to play volleyball on the beach with my friends. Do you know Josh? Josh is going to play football with F.C.Barcelona. He's the best playing football I know.
See you soon.

domingo, 19 de mayo de 2013

Essay: for and against

Nowadays, we must change our lifestyles if we want to stop global warming. It's a serious problem. What can we do to stop it? On the one hand, we should use our cars less and use the transport public or go on foot at the place. Furthermore, the Governament can't solve the problem alone. On the other hand, the Governament needs to act now because it will be too late. What is more, a person can't make the difference but all the people can change the world. In conclusion, I believe that it is too late to stop the global warming. In my opinion, the problem is too serious.